Friday, July 17, 2009

Proverbs 26:11

As a dog returns to its vomit,
So a fool repeats his folly.

This is an image of life that came into my head as I was driving home from Starbucks tonight. Thank you Pastor Jeff Moore for making me write a sermon on this verse, without that I wouldn’t have had the inspiration for this blog.

God wants us to have the best in life, He wants us to have the best beyond life!
Let’s put it into terms of food because I understand things better with food references.

God is serving up the best meal you can imagine all the time! Maybe it’s a steak dinner, maybe it’s some kinda tofu/vegetarian thingy, maybe its chicken and waffles, whatever the best meal you can imagine. God is serving up that meal 24/7. He yearns for you to have the meal. He longs for you to enjoy the special meal He has prepared for YOU!

Yet how many of us settle, or CHOOSE willingly, to eat vomit?
The vomit could have been a good meal to start with, but now it’s just vomit (old food and drink mixed with stomach acids, YUMMY).
The image I got in my head was just that! Every time I am in the presence of God I come away feeling so happy, filled, loved, etc....
And I know in my heart that he wants to have that same time with me ALWAYS.
Yet time and time again, when it comes down to it, I seem to choose VOMIT.

Why is that? Is it because the vomit looks good at first? Then when we taste it we realize it’s still just vomit? Is it because we don’t think we have earned the perfect meal? That doesn’t matter because the meal is a GIFT! You can’t earn something that someone is already trying to give you! That’s the point! We just need to receive the gift from our loving Creator.

So I guess my heart behind this is that the next time you have a choice between sin(vomit) and closeness with God(the delicious meal) remember that vomit is GROSS and you will always regret eating it.

I pray that I have painted a graphic enough picture of vomit and linked it strongly enough with sin that when the option of sin arises you will just think of nasty, warm, chunky, runny, acidy, vomit.


p.s. I had a hard time writing this cause at first I got hungry talking about steak, but then I got nauseated eating my steak while thinking about vomit.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

The Low Down or The 411

So here is the deal people! I have stayed away from my blog because I was too annoyed to write about what I had to write about, but here it is.... straight and to the point....

I'm not going to make it to Thailand after all. There were tons of things getting in the way and causing issues.
Ultimately the missionary and the church decided it would be best to cancel the trip and focus on things for the future.

When it came down to it there were just too many things messing up the trip it didn’t seem as though God wanted us to go.
I am sad that we aren’t going, however I am excited to see what God has in store for the future!

If you have further question about the trip feel free to ask.

With that said I will continue this blog as a creative outlet and to start my future of famous writings and thoughts that people will quote years from now ;) (You have been warned) ENJOY!